Tuition and Affordability

Tuition and Affordability

The Derryfield School commits to ensuring access to an independent school education by bridging the gap between family resources and educational expenses through our need-based Equitable Tuition program. 

Did you know that Derryfield provides more than $3.5 million annually in need-based financial assistance to students? The Equitable Tuition program, also known as financial aid, offers a reduced tuition based on your family’s unique financial profile. 

When making admission decisions, The Derryfield School will offer space only to those students we can financially assist. If we are unable to provide need-based financial assistance to an admissible student, that student will be placed in the wait pool until funds and space become available.

2024-2025 Tuition and Additional Fees

Applying for Need-Based Equitable Tuition

Derryfield uses the Clarity Application to determine a family’s level of financial need based on the information families share in the application, which includes family size, assets, income, expenses, debts and more.

To get started, please go to the Clarity Application and create an account. The application typically takes fewer than 30 minutes to complete. The application is also mobile-friendly so you can complete it from anywhere. You are also able to save your progress and return at any time. At the end of the application, there is a $60 fee to submit.

The Equitable Tuition application will be complete once all documents are received. The application must be completed and submitted to the school by January 15, 2025. Families will be informed of their equitable tuition when decisions are released on March 1, 2025.

If you have any questions regarding financial aid, please contact Associate Head of School for External Affairs Kathleen Rutty-Fey at

Equitable Tuition Resources

Merit Scholarship Programs

Recognizing those who contribute a variety of talents to The Derryfield School, merit scholarships (need-based and non-need based) are awarded to 14% of students.

Frequently Asked Questions

I am not sure if our family will qualify for need-based financial assistance. Is it worth applying for need-based equitable tuition?

If you are unsure whether you will qualify, you may contact our Assistant Head of School for External Affairs Kathleen Rutty-Fey for advice. From the School’s perspective, if you question whether you will qualify but recognize that tuition will be a significant financial hardship, you should apply.

What is the difference between equitable tuition and merit? Can I apply for both?

Students may apply for both need-based equitable tuition (financial aid) and merit scholarships. The need-based equitable tuition program at The Derryfield School is designed to help make a Derryfield education accessible to qualified students who could not otherwise afford the cost of attending. Merit scholarships are awarded to students based on academic and extracurricular talents and can be either need-based or non-need-based. The committees overseeing these decisions are separate from the Admission Committees.

Will applying for equitable tuition affect my child’s chance for admission?

The Derryfield School strives to place the qualifications of the applicant at the heart of the decision-making process; however, with limited ability to offer lower-range tuitions, the Equitable Tuition Committee may be prevented from offering admission acceptance to every qualified applicant. Students qualified for admission to whom we are unable to provide need-based financial assistance will be placed in our wait pool.

Do you offer assistance for costs beyond tuition?

Students whose tuition is less than 50% of full tuition receive a Student Activities Credit (SAC), which offers financial support for extracurricular items and ranges from $60-$225, depending on the grade level. It covers items like yearbooks, optional field trips, or team spirit gear. While this grant will not cover 100% of these expenses, it does provide additional support for student involvement in our community.

Students whose tuition is less than 10% of full tuition qualify for financial support for their computers and textbooks. Some students also qualify for bus transportation.

How does the equitable tuition process assess the situation of separated or divorced families?

The Equitable Tuition Committee considers the financial resources of all parents and any step-parents. Both parents, custodial or noncustodial, are required to complete and submit a Parents’ Financial Statement. If natural parents have remarried, we also consider the assets of the step-parent, always bearing in mind the primary obligations of that step-parent to his or her own children.

Will my child receive the same tuition rate from year-to-year?

Families must re-apply for need-based equitable tuition every year. A student’s tuition is reviewed and renewed based on the most current family financial profile, and for students who continue to meet the School’s requirements and expectations. Although the School endeavors to provide a tuition that a family can accommodate, slight tuition increases should be anticipated each year.

If my child enrolls without a need-based reduced tuition, can we expect to receive reduced tuition in future years?

Generally not, unless your family experiences significant or unusual changes in financial circumstances from the previous year. Derryfield recognizes that there are unfortunate events that change a family’s ability to contribute to tuition, and Derryfield will work with families to formulate a plan for financing. If your child does not receive a need-based reduced tuition and your family cannot afford to finance full tuition for the remaining years, we strongly recommend that your child does not enroll.

Are there waivers for the admission application, SSAT, and Equitable Tuition processing fees?

Admission Application and SSAT Fees

  • Guided by the USDA Income and Eligibility parameters, the Admission Office can offer reduced fees for the admission application and SSAT fees. Please call us at 603-669-4524, option 3 for information.

Clarity Application Fees

  • Upon submission of a family’s need-based equitable tuition application, our process automatically evaluates eligibility and applies fee waivers for families who qualify. Families do not need to request or apply for a fee waiver from the school.

You Still Have Questions? That’s Okay! We Have Answers!

Please don’t hesitate to reach out when you have questions about our need-based equitable tuition or merit scholarship programs!
