Capital & Endowment
For the Next Generation
Capital and Endowment gifts are contributions to the School that fund projects which are not supported through The Derryfield Fund or the operating budget. Capital gifts allow the School to accomplish building projects that are part of the School’s long term strategic plan. The endowment serves as the School’s saving account in which the total amount is invested, and a portion of the income earned is used to support initiatives identified by the donor.
Capital Gifts
Capital gifts help the School accomplish brick-and-mortar projects and other initiatives that are not part of the funding provided by the Derryfield Fund. Capital gifts are raised over a number of years through a capital campaign to help the School fulfill its long-term objectives, such as building a new facility, renovating classrooms, or purchasing technology for a 21st century education.
Derryfield’s endowment is a symbol of financial stability, and functions as the “savings account” for the School. The endowment demonstrates the School’s commitment to future generations of students, and the loyalty of the School’s constituents. Money placed in the endowment is available in perpetuity, with a set percentage of the interest from the endowment being used each year to offset the School’s operating budget, as well as to support students who qualify for need-based equitable tuition and other scholarships.
Endowed Funds
Gifts in memory of a loved one, or memorial gifts, can be made to any number of designated areas, including endowment funds. Naming gifts are welcome in accordance with the School’s gift acceptance policy established by the Board of Trustees. Please see below for the list of funds currently established.
Blake Marston ‘01 Global Citizenship Award Endowment
In honor of William Blake Marston ’01, the Global Citizenship Award is designed to provide access and opportunities to Derryfield Students for cultural and service trips offered by the School. This award is inspired by Blake’s life’s work and commitment to the understanding of cultures and traditions of communities around the world, coupled with a dedication to service and peace. This equitable tuition award is used to support students with demonstrated financial need who are interested in meaningful community service and intentional reflection.
Muriel and Edward Broad Endowment Fund for Excellence in Education
Established in March 2017 by gift of $100,000 from Michael Broad ‘69 in honor of his parents, Muriel and Edward Broad. This endowment was established to further enhance the exceptional teaching and learning at The Derryfield School. The Fund’s goal is to inspire Derryfield to push boundaries in direct student education and to develop a role as a regional or even national resource for academic excellence and leadership – someplace other schools would look to, collaborate with, and learn from.
Simeon Kass Award for Writing and Humanistic Inquiry
Established in 2007 this Award is presented annually to a member of the senior class at Derryfield who demonstrates an interest to learn beyond what surfaces in day-to-day life. The recipient delves, asks questions, and transforms discoveries and thoughts into writing. In earning this Award, the recipient shows potential for publishing his or her work through one or more media. Honoring Sim Kass, beloved mentor to two Derryfield alumni, Matt Boelig ’02 and Derek Boelig ’05, this Award is presented in the fall to a senior who demonstrates outstanding writing skills, an appreciation of other cultures, a burning inquisitiveness, and the disposition to take a position and challenge received opinions. A panel of faculty will review applications for this Award and will recommend a slate of finalists to the Head of School, who will choose the recipient.
The Malone Scholars Program
In May 2012 the School was awarded a $2,000,000 scholarship grant in support of providing access to gifted and talented students new to The Derryfield School. We are extremely proud to be honored as New Hampshire’s first Malone Family Foundation Partner School. We were selected on the basis of our academic caliber; the quality of our staff; excellent accommodations for gifted and talented students; strong AP and enrichment programs; attention to the individual student’s needs, interests and talents; financial strength and stability; a commitment to financial aid; and an economically, culturally, ethnically, and socially diverse population. Through these endowments, Malone schools are empowered to perpetually fund scholarships for motivated top students in grades 7 through 12 based on merit and financial need.
The Pagliocco Fund for the Performing Arts
is a permanently endowed fund to support the ongoing performing arts program at Derryfield. It is the intention of the Pagliocco Family to share the transformation that the performing arts have on individual students, and the power of the arts for the community. It is the desire of the donors that the funds be used to support the general operations of the performing arts program.
The Peter S. Freedman Founders' Scholar Fund
Chair, Peter S. Freedman. This scholarship honors “that member of the Junior Class who has best combined academic achievement with personal responsibility, independence, and ethical sense,” The Peter S. Freedman Founders’ Scholar Award is the highest honor bestowed upon a student at The Derryfield School. For many years this recognition, which carries a cash award and an engraved silver bowl, has was funded annually by a single donor but through solicitation a number of donors have made possible an endowed fund that memorializes the values of Peter Freedman and of all the Founders of The Derryfield School.
The Bailey Milne Fund
Established by family and friends in memory of Edward Bailey, Derryfield’s first business manager, math teacher, and coach and Norman Milne, Derryfield trustee, parent, and philanthropist. Proceeds of this fund are directed to the equitable tuition program to help defray the cost of tuition for the children of Derryfield faculty and staff. Engraved bricks in the walkways of the Performing Arts Center and the Gateway Building honor students whose parents have contributed to this fund over the years.
The Clifford R. Nyquist Memorial Scholarship
Established in 2005 in Clifford’s memory by his family, this college scholarship award is given annually to a member of the graduating class who has demonstrated unselfish and enduring friendship to all, as well as genuine respect for diverse ideas and beliefs, and deep personal integrity and fairness. The recipient must have a purposeful involvement in The Derryfield School and a meaningful commitment to our local and global communities.
The E. Charles Sanborn Visiting Fellow Fund
In 1995 The Derryfield Board of Trustees established an endowed fund in the name of E. Charles Sanborn to honor his twenty years of service to the School and to support the Visiting Fellows Program, which he created in the mid 1980s. Distinguished lecturers, scholars, and writers visit the Derryfield campus for classroom visits, faculty workshops and public forums annually thanks to the proceeds from this fund. Before his retirement in 2003, Chuck served as Director of Studies, Director of Development and Planning, Interim Headmaster, history teacher, coach and Director of College Planning.
The David G. and Barbara J. Stahl Fund
This fund was established as a bequest when Founder, Past Parent, Former Trustee and friend, Barbara Stahl died in January 2004. The annual income from the fund is disbursed in the following way:
20% is gifted to the student who has the highest academic ranking at the end of his or her junior year and is applied towards his or her senior year tuition. 40% is used by The Derryfield School for its general, unrestricted use, and the remaining 40% is added to the corpus of the fund.
The Matthew Lawrence Young '88 Memorial Scholarship
Established in 1994 in Matt’s memory by his family, this scholarship perpetuates the spirit and positive influence of Matthew Lawrence Young, Class of 1988, on the Derryfield family. This scholarship is awarded annually to that member of the junior class who, through enthusiastic participation in activities, significant contributions to the well-being of others and scholarship, has had an enduring impact on the Derryfield community.
Faculty Enrichment Funds
The Nancy S. Boettiger Professional Development Fund was established in honor of Derryfield’s fifth Head of School, 1995-2000. A lifelong educator, Nancy was, and continues to be, committed to providing encouragement and opportunities to enrich the professional and personal lives of extraordinary teachers.
Nancy Kamborian Faculty Enrichment Grant Following Nancy Kamborian’s death, the Kamborian family recognized the importance of Derryfield’s faculty in the lives of her children, Kelly ’78, Kimberly ’84 and Jacob ’86. As a former trustee Nancy was a pioneer in finding ways to support the professional development of faculty.
Financial Aid Funds
The Richard Crafts Memorial Music Scholarship Fund
This fund was established prior to Richard’s death in March 2001 at Richard and Lisa’s request. An endowed fund restricted to the need-based equitable tuition program, the Richard Crafts Memorial Music Scholarship is awarded annually to a need-based Derryfield student who shows promise in the arts, particularly music. Mirroring Richard’s vocation at Derryfield, this scholarship enriches the tuition support program that he helped shape in his tenure as Director of Admissions, and is earmarked for a musically talented student honors Richard’s love of music.
The Henrietta Mesches Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in memory of Mrs. Mesches by her daughter Harriet and son-in-law, the late Dr. Seth Resnicoff, in February 1998. Mrs. Resnicoff shared with us how her mother was impressed with The Derryfield School program, especially opportunities it provided young women, like her granddaughter Sue ’87. It was partly due to the educational limitations Mrs. Mesches experienced as a young woman that made her a strong proponent of the type of experience her granddaughter and other young women had, and continue to have, at The Derryfield School. This fund is part of the overall financial aid endowment fund.
The Peter Carlson ’83 Financial Aid Fund
Established on June 22, 2017, the fund creates a permanently endowed fund in honor of Derryfield Alumnus Peter Carlson. It is the intention of the Carlson family to honor Pete’s dedication to educational equity and the power of education to transform the lives of students. It is the desire of the donors that the funds be used to support the equitable tuition program for need-based, highly motivated, qualified applicants, with preference to the students from the public school districts in Manchester and environs. A pledge of $300,000 was made by Rosamond and David L. Carlson on June 22, 2017, to establish the fund.
Jackson MacKenzie ’07 Memorial Scholarship
The Jackson MacKenzie ’07 Memorial Scholarship creates a named permanently endowed financial aid fund to support a student who creates positive change for the community. This fund was established to honor Jackson’s legacy of kindness, humor, intellect, and the abundance of love that he endlessly shared with family, friends, and animals. It is the desire of the donors that the funds be used to support a rising Derryfield senior who has demonstrated dedication and commitment to driving positive change in the community, advocating for the health, wellness, and equity of others.
Summit Packaging Endowment for Financial Aid
Established in the spring of 2007 with a gift of $50,000, the Summit Packaging Endowment continues to grow through generous annual spring contributions. This is added to the overall financial aid endowment fund.

The Faces of Derryfield
Ellie Small
Ellie Small is entering her second year at The George Washington University, where she is studying political science on a pre-law track. While a student at Derryfield, Ellie’s interest in public policy and legislation was sparked during her Independent Senior Project (ISP). “My ISP was a formative experience for me as I researched and developed repatriation guides that provided legal and social aid to undocumented immigrants facing deportation in New Hampshire.”
Ellie made a lasting impression on the Derryfield community. “I had the opportunity to lean into various leadership roles while exploring my academic interests in the humanities. I served as All School President, head of the Equity Club, captain of Mock Trial, and captain of the varsity alpine ski team. I also completed over 350 hours of community service and played three sports (field hockey, alpine, lacrosse). I am grateful to have had multiple fantastic women leaders (Carter, Shutz, Stimpson, Boesch) who mentored me and helped me establish my own leadership skills.”
For the past two summers, Ellie has returned to Derryfield as a Philanthropy & Engagement intern, where she has learned how crucial giving is to the health of the School. “I was fortunate to benefit from the impacts of generous gifts from donors while I was a student, and Derryfield continues to support my career as I network with fellow alums and learn from others in my field.” Ellie elected to give back to Derryfield by becoming a Sanborn Society member. The Sanborn Society, named for beloved faculty member Chuck Sanborn, recognizes donors who make recurring monthly contributions to The Derryfield Fund. Donors can choose to make a monthly gift in any amount, and these gifts provide steady and reliable funding for the School.
Ellie chose to designate her gift to equity and belonging (E&B) initiatives at Derryfield. Annual fund gifts that support this initiative provide access to E&B conferences and training for faculty and staff, diversity and inclusion speakers for the school community, as well as support for student clubs such as GLOW (Gay Lesbian or Whatever), BIPOC (Black Indigineous and People of Color), the Multicultural Student Union, and more. “While I was leading Equity Club at DS, we had hopes of creating affinity spaces, conference opportunities, and DEI training, among other things, but the School did not have the funds to support [all of our ideas]. As an alumna, it is important to me that I give what I can to support diversity and justice at Derryfield, while highlighting key student initiatives.
In addition to continuing her education at GWU, Ellie has the honor of working as a legislative intern for NH Senator Jeanne Shaheen on Capitol Hill. Her hope is to “grow a career in law and policy. I plan to attend law school after undergrad and am considering completing a masters in public policy. I am passionate about human rights, immigration reform, climate initiatives, common-sense gun legislation, and many more social issues.” We wish Ellie the best of luck as she continues her endeavors!

The Faces of Derryfield
Jamie and Jamie Pagliocco
When you talk with Jamie and Jamie Pagliocco you discover that there are many reasons they support the School. They are passionate about education, and they find joy in discovering ways to give back. You can find them at every theater production helping in a myriad of ways, and as enthusiastic audience members. When asked why they were inspired by this campaign, they shared, “We support Derryfield so that the School can continue to educate bright kids who are truly remarkable human beings.” They are inspired by the faculty who work tirelessly in the classrooms, on the sports fields, and in the arts to develop students as well-rounded, kind, and caring individuals.

The Faces of Derryfield
Laurie and Jim Lamp
Laurie and Jim Lamp are the proud parents of four Derryfield graduates and are tireless volunteers. When their kids were students, they hosted admission events at their home, they helped at grandparents’ day, the annual auction, and so much more. They have both served as Trustees: Laurie from 2007 – 2009, and Jim from 2015 through today. As the Chair of the Buildings & Grounds Committee of the Board, Jim’s expertise can be seen throughout campus. Laurie says that “for a total of 28 years combined, Derryfield gave to our family. We’re paying it forward!” With support from families like the Lamps, the Derryfield tradition of paying it forward will continue for years to come.