For decades, The Derryfield School has been collecting donations of Thanksgiving food for the greater Manchester community. This year, 62 baskets were delivered to Families in Transition, to be distributed through their food pantry. Every student advisory group, several Derryfield departments, as well as individual staff members, contributed to this effort.
The baskets were filled with canned vegetables, cranberry sauce, instant potatoes, gravy, stuffing, pie filling and crusts, dinner rolls or cornbread, and table decorations. For a number of years, the turkeys have been generously donated by Gary and Shelley Lindner (Lindner Dental), of Bedford. Heidi ‘02, Melanie ‘03 and Doug ‘07 are Derryfield alums.
On Tuesday, November 21, before leaving for holiday break, Derryfield faculty and staff gathered for their annual Gratitude Lunch in the new Dining Commons.