Students Learn About Leadership During Annual Summit

Students Learn About Leadership During Annual Summit

By Elaine Loft

As Derryfield prepared to open for the 2023-24 school year, representatives from the Student
Council, class councils, clubs and sports teams met for three days at the annual Leadership
Summit. The goal of this intensive experience is to both educate and empower student leaders.
On the first day, the participants got to know one another through both small and large group
activities, tackling questions like, “How do we see others?” and “What assumptions do we
make?” Students were then asked to consider, “What type of leader am I?” and discussed the
strengths and styles of leadership. Real-life situations were posed for problem-solving, and
students who had served in leadership roles in previous years shared advice with new students
about how to become role models for others.

The second day of the summit opened with a challenge question, “Is a leader born, or made?”
The students were then asked to consider the interpersonal skills that student leaders might
need to acquire. The remainder of the day was devoted to goal setting for each of the groups.
Sports teams planned spirit activities. Clubs reviewed their missions and considered how their
activities could tie in with other groups. The student and class councils learned about
procedures and governance. All the groups reported out to one another, so they could
understand what a full year of planned activities might look like.

The final day of the summit was devoted to the creation of a student-led video. The aim of this
production, which was shown to the entire student body on the first day of school, was to
showcase the myriad ways students could get involved at Derryfield.

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