Derryfield Sophomore Credits Ambition, Doggedness, and Optimism for her 4-H Dog Program Success

Derryfield Sophomore Credits Ambition, Doggedness, and Optimism for her 4-H Dog Program Success

By Kathleen Rutty-Fey ’87

Sophomore Liesel Gregor loves dogs, and we know that Derryfield loves its dogs too, but Liesel is “next level” in her dedication as she participates regularly in New Hampshire’s 4-H Dog program. Several years ago, Liesel discovered 4-H dog programming and was drawn in by the promise of learning veterinary science, leadership skills, and how to train dogs in obedience and showmanship.

Most recently, Liesel competed with her dog Ranger at the three-day fair at the Eastern States Exposition in Springfield, MA. The competition involves an amazing array of demonstrated knowledge and talents, ranging from tests, presentations, posters, sewing banners, and of course, training herself and her dog. Add to all of this that Ranger is only nine months old and new to the scene, and you can imagine the challenges Liesel faced. Ranger is a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever with high energy and he is still learning to handle new places and faces! 

Liesel and her parents credit Liesel’s ambition, doggedness (see what we did there), and optimism with her successes, but also credit her Derryfield experience with some of the skills that crossover from DS to the 4-H competition…skills like public speaking, self-advocacy, resilience, and chunking out action items and goals. Liesel says, “Derryfield really showed me that by trying new things, I can find success…I have run for Discipline Committee for the last two years and this inspired me to run for President of my ‘Crazy for Canines’ 4-H Club.” Her work has already inspired her goal to raise a guide dog for her Independent Senior Project. 

At the Eastern States Exposition, Liesel was the Champion for On-Leash Obedience; she received first place for Sub-Novice B, and her team placed 3rd in the Knowledge Quiz Bowl. As Liesel looks to the future, she hopes to continue with the program and inspire others to join her: “One-hundred percent, try it out…if you don’t like it there are other routes in 4-H or with canine programs, but you will be surprised with how many opportunities overall the program brings.”

We are sure that your successes will inspire others, Liesel. Congratulations to you and Ranger!

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